Social Media Mentorship for Rays Farm

Rays Farm is a farm visitor attraction located near Bridgnorth Shropshire, with woodland walks, animals to meet and adventure play areas.


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Rays Farm were managing their own social media, but knew they weren’t leveraging it as skillfully as they could.

They wanted to keep the day-to-day posting and responding to comments in house, but needed help improving their content creation, setting strategy, measuring results and generally taking their social media to the next level.

After establishing what Rays Farm’s needs were, we agreed that our Social Media Mentorship programme would be the perfect fit. One of their team would become the new in house ‘social media ambassador’ by undertaking a series of tailored social media workshop sessions for a period of 3 months. The sessions would be hosted via video call, by one of our project managers at Agility Marketing, who has hands on experience of managing Social Media accounts for other farm attraction clients.

Session One:

The kick off meeting addressed the current concerns and skill areas that Rays Farm hoped to work on over the course of the mentorship. We also agreed goals to set and carried out a handover of useful documents to aid planning and reporting on social media content. Documents included a content calendar and a monthly stats document to measure results.

Session Two:

To know where you are going, you need to know where you currently are! For meeting 2, Agility collected and presented the results of the social media activity prior to the mentorship and benchmarked performance against competitors.

This helped to define the new strategy and set specific targets to work towards. Meeting 2 also included an in depth tutorial on how Rays Farm could take on results measurement going forward, with information on where to find the relevant data, how to record it and how to analyse it in a meaningful way.

Sessions Three-Six:

The subsequent meetings 3-6 were tailored to Rays Farms needs and we cherry-picked certain skills to develop. Topics covered included:

– How to write posts that increase engagement and reach, plus best practices and how to create great, engaging video content.
– Brainstorming content ideas effectively and managing the content calendar to ensure relevant trends and opportunities are identified.
– Effectively measuring results and benchmarking against competitors.
– Understanding the difference and benefits of the platform posting options such as Lives, Premieres, Reels, IGTV and Instagram Stories etc.
– Using available scheduling tools and free and easy-to-use tools to edit photos and videos to encourage more engagement.
– Leaning how to grow followers organically, ensuring they are your target audience.
– Increasing confidence in managing online reputation, including responding to reviews and comments.
– The importance of Google My Business listings and other review sites.

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