Facebook Live

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We have the proof. Using Facebook Live will improve your organic Facebook results.

Launched in 2016, Facebook Live streams video content live as it is filmed. During Easter 2018 (yes, the one with all the rain!), we tested the impact Facebook Live has on the Facebook Algorithm.

Whilst we can’t share the exact results, we can tell you using Facebook Live is one of the key Facebook tools you should be using; it not only increases the reach/engagement of the Facebook Live post itself but also positively impacts on non-video posts after the broadcast.

How to film a Facebook Live

As an agency that specialises in visitor attractions, we mentor and coach our clients to make the most of Facebook Live. If you’re responsible for marketing a Theme Park, Zoo, Museum or Farm Park, the below top 10 tips will definitely help you prepare and plan your broadcast.

Tip One: Pre-promote your broadcast

Before your broadcasts, share the time and date with your followers and fans 24 hours in advance. Give them a compelling reason why they should tune in. Consider having a ‘What’s On’ weekly show on a Friday before the weekend or focus on a different section of the park every week.

Tip Two: Have a plan

Don’t start the broadcast without knowing what you are going to do, where you are going to stand and what is going to be your opening/closing lines. You will need someone to stand in front of the phone and someone standing behind it. Plan questions and talking points, so your video will flow. We always recommend a walk through/rehearsal before you go live.

Tip Three: Keep the content engaging

Think about what you are showing. Change the camera angle, zoom in and zoom out. Make sure you show yourself so viewers know someone is talking and should turn the sound up. Encourage your audience to ask questions/provide comments and once they have, mention them by name in your broadcast to encourage others to do the same.    People may join mid broadcast, so feel free to recap on what the broadcast is about.

Tip Four: Build your audience

Don’t give up just because you only have 20-30 people listening. It takes times to build an audience and people will still watch it after the broadcast. Encourage your viewers to subscribe to receive notifications each time you go live.

Tip Five: Check your broadband speed.

It is worth checking the Wi-Fi or 4G connection at least 10 minutes before you go live in case you need to rethink the location. The ‘Go Live’ button will be greyed out if your connection is too weak.

Tip Six: Consider Lighting

Natural light always works best but if you have to use lighting, shine the light directly at you. Light sources behind you will cast a shadow.

Tip Seven: Have the right equipment

You don’t want the broadcast to be shaky. If you don’t have a tripod that fits a smartphone, lean your phone up against a stack of books or place it on a table. Before you press record, check out the framing.

Tip Eight: Work in a team.

We’d always recommend you do the filming with at least 2 people. One person to be in front of the camera and another filming the broadcast. It’s very difficult to do it with just one person alone. Ideally, you should also have someone else engaging with the feed to encourage questions/comments too.

Tip Nine: Don’t be too quick

In our tests, we’d recommend your Facebook Live lasts at least 5 minutes but if possible, up to 10 minutes. Subscribers to your Facebook Live broadcasts will get alerted when it starts and are likely to need a few minutes to stop what they are doing and start watching. If it’s too quick, it will be over by the time they start watching. We do, however, know of some successful Theme Park, Zoo and Farm Park Facebook Live’s that can last for over an hour.

Tip Ten: Add a description

After you’ve gone live, you can edit your title and description. Ideally, you should have this already thought out how to make it as captivating as possible.

These top tips should prove useful to any newbie to Facebook Live and hopefully, be a useful checklist for those already using live streaming. With Instagram and Twitter now offering a live broadcasting option too, these guidelines are equally applicable.